
A Glimpse of God's Glory

Moments where You remind me with Your presence
why it is worth it to follow You

Your word spoken, Your Spirit working
Your joy, Your rest
Your hope, Your peace
Your urging and push

I close my eyes tight
I don't want to open up
for fear the moment will pass
I want to hold on and keep saying,
"God, You are beautiful"

What a blessing it is to dwell in Your safety and security
What grace to know love, to know what is of worth
Though I know this glimpse will fade and blur and get lost
I smile because I know there is more to come
There is more

It is coming. He is coming.
Wait on the Lord
My soul will wait for the Lord


pen and paper said...

nice =)

esther said...

hii meg. i made a new blog: http://norwich.tumblr.com

can i link you? i'm thinking of linking all my friends.. well if i figure out how to do so on tumblr